With a small team, we understand the value of our people and how they make the difference in the work we do. Each member of the Balanced Rock Power team brings an entrepreneurial spirit and love for the outdoors to work each day, and that’s what drives our vision for developing clean energy across the United States.

We believe in strong partnerships between those we work with and for — whether with our landowners, customers, or colleagues, we strive to develop strong relationships and value the mutual benefits those connections bring.

Businesses should always be more than profit. They need to re- invest in the community and have a positive impact. We’re dedicated to developing and doing so in a way that is beneficial for everyone.”
~ John Knight, CEO

Passionate about the environment

Our team lives for the outdoors (it shows with our headquarters being in Moab, UT!) — whether that’s meeting with our clients and landowners out on their property or getting out to enjoy the desert, mountains, plains, canyons or prairie where we live — and is committed to securing its future. Because our team members are located in Utah, Arizona, Colorado, Texas and the rest of the West, we are never far from our projects or the land that inspires us.

With deep expertise in renewable energy development — from early stage development through to operations — our team brings over 75 years of collective experience to the table.

Rock arch on rock cliff
Man fishing and a bike by sign


Photo of Katarina Bagri in the desert
Katarina Bagri
Senior Manager of Development
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Headshot of Jenna Bailey
Jenna Bailey
Senior Director, Controller
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Victoria Chenault
Victoria Chenault
General Counsel
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Jesse Cohen head shot
Jesse Cohen
Manager of Development
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Quintin Cui bio photo
Quentin Cui
Senior Analyst of Business Development
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Jimmy Curtin
Jimmy Curtin
Director of Business Development
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Chris Dancy
Chris Dancy
Senior Manager of Development
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Photo of Nicolas Diaz
Nicolas Diaz
Senior Manager of Development
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Photo of Dana Diller
Dana Diller
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Andres Diz
Andres Diz
Senior Associate of Finance
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Photo of Melanie Falls in the desert
Melanie Falls
VP of Development
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Brooke Flood bio photo
Brooke Flood
Executive Administrative Assistant
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Photo of Erica Goad in the desert
Erica Goad
Senior Manager of Development
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Headshot of Eric Hafner
Eric Hafner
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Aashiek Hariharan
Aashiek Hariharan
Manager of BESS Development Engineering
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Photo of Annie Kaefer
Annie Kaefer
Development Associate
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Headshot of Grant Keefe
Grant Keefe
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Headshot of John Knight
John Knight
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Alec Larson bio photo
Alec Larson
Manager of M&A
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Sarah Migliori
Sarah Maigliori
Associate of Development
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Marisa Martinez head shot
Marisa Martinez
Senior Manager of Transmission and Interconnection
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Photo of Sam Mate in the desert
Sam Mate
Manager of Development Engineering
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CoCo Mathis
CoCo Mathis
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Magda Miller bio photo
Magda Miller
Associate of Origination and Development
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Headshot of Matt Mooney
Matt Mooney
Vice President of Business Development
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Seth Newby
Seth Newby
Director of Finance
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Randy Nicholson
Randy Nicholson
Vice President of Origination
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Headshot of James Noetzel
James Noetzel
Vice President of Finance
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Photo of Liam Norris
Liam Norris
Vice President of Operations
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Photo of Aliya Orenstein
Aliya Orenstein
Senior Financial Analyst
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Headshot of Kelly Packard
Kelly Packard
Executive Administrative Assistant
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Stella Park bio photo
Stella Park
Director of Human Resources
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Karli Popko
Karli Popko
Senior Associate of Operations
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Gillian Semmer bio photo
Gillian Semmer
Manager of Origination
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Jonathan Stiefel bio photo
Jonathan Stiefel
Manager of PV Performance Engineering
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Annalise Strohmaier bio photo
Annalise Strohmaier
Executive Administrative Assistant
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Photo of Chris Such
Chris Such
Vice President of Interconnection
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Fred Suchy
Fred Suchy
Director of Accounting
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Emmett Turner
Emmett Turner
Senior Development Engineer
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Geethika Vanteru
Geethika Vanteru
Senior Associate of Transmission and Interconnection
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Carolina Velasquez bio photo
Carolina Velasquez
Senior Associate of Development
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Hannah Wadhwa
Hannah Wadhwa
Associate of Development
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Sundeep Yalamanchili
AI Associate Engineer
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Most of our team started at smaller start-ups that were purchased by larger energy companies, so they decided to make the move back to a small, focused, and nimble team that conducts itself with integrity and respect.”
~ Eric Hafner, COO

Join our team!

If you have a passion for the outdoors and securing its future through the development of clean energy, consider joining our team. From development to financing, our team boasts deep expertise from across the renewable energy industry.

People having a drink
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